When you need lifting straps - StapleActive

When you need lifting straps

作者: Laura McKenzie



阅读时间 1 min

If you've ever been to the gym, you've probably seen people using lifting straps. But what are they actually for? Lifting straps are designed to help you lift heavier weights by providing extra support and stability.

When used correctly, they can help you to achieve better form and improve your lifting performance. And that's not all - lifting straps can also help to reduce the risk of injury by redistributing the weight more evenly across your body. 

So, if you're looking to take your lifting game to the next level, investing in a good pair of lifting straps is a wise choice.

When to use lifting straps;  

  • Deadlifts
  • Dumbbell RDLs
  • Dumbbell walking lunges 
  • Lat Pull down 
  • Seated rows 
  • Any other lift where you rely on your grip strength and it’s hard to maintain grip. 

Benefits from using straps

  • Increased lifting volume; 
  • Greater sense of stability during your lifts; and
  • Taking pressure off your grip and forearms. 

Lets get technical 

According to a publication in Physiol Behaviour, the use of lifting straps during deadlifts allows for a better maintenance of grip strength, faster grip strength recovery following training, and greater perceived grip security and power than deadlifts performed without lifting straps, while also increasing mechanical performance and decreasing the perceived exertion.

A study published in Sports Biomed demonstrated that the use of lifting straps in the lat pull-down exercise help the 1RM value but instead the number of repetitions performed with 70% of 1RM, and muscle activation.

In summary, they are proven to be beneficial. 

How to use straps; 

One element of using straps is that, at first, it Is difficult but you will get better in time. 

Step 1: Place the lifting straps over your wrists placing the tail towards the back. 

Step 2: Feed the loose tail around the barbell and wrap a few times. 

Step 3: Grip the barbell over the wrapped section to secure. You will have some excess hanging our the side.


Step 4: One handed you will need to repeat the same process. Wrap the tag around the barbell and use your wrist to tighten it by rotating the barbell. 

Step 5: Ensure both are even and perform your lift. You can adjust the tension on your wrists by rotating your grip. 

Step 6: Perform your lift. It will take a few times to adjust but once you get it right you will know and feel the difference. 

Get your lifting straps now. 


The effects of lifting straps in maximum strength, number of repetitions and muscle activation during lat pull-down - PubMed (nih.gov) 

Ergogenic effects of lifting straps on movement velocity, grip strength, perceived exertion and grip security during the deadlift exercise - PubMed (nih.gov)